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Oskar the "House Horse"

Oskar belongs to Sue Paterson, 'Mouleki Caspians'.


    He was born 13.12.2018. Oskar was abandoned by his mother because of human interference while she was giving birth and she rejected him.

  So home he came and became a 'house horse'.

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Oskar loves his humans and loves his horse family!


  When you call him he neighs and comes running for cuddles and kisses and of course, carrots.

He is just amazing!!

Thank you Diana Southwick for sharing about Oskar!

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Sue had a mare and foal who is 6 weeks older than Oskar, and these two slowly became great friends. At 5 months, Oskar joined his mate Saintly and his mum Ghazel full time out in the paddock.

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