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Marvelous     Moonpie

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    Meet American Stealth, AKA: Marvelous Moonpie, an 11 year old just shy of 12h purebred Caspian.  This handsome boy joined our modest herd just shy of 2 ½ years ago. When we first brought him home, we were not sure just what to make of him.


    He was not very interested in people, he had run in a herd, was a standing stallion (gelded by accident, but that’s another story!), and aside from being feed and having farrier visits he hadn’t been asked to do much compared to a regular riding horse.  


   We had been fortunate enough to bring home what turned out to be an astounding Caspian mare Cross (3/4 Caspian & ¼ Quarter horse) from the same herd 3 years prior so knew we LOVED the breed. After hearing the farm had a few more horse available we were happy to take a chance and bring home another for our youngest daughter.

    Well, I believe our family would all agree – bringing Marvelous Moonpie into our herd was a perfect fit! After living in a round pen for a couple weeks while we gained his trust, he started showing a lot of interest in us and his personality finally arrived.


   This guy is a total ham and our resident prankster! Moonpie doesn’t pass up any opportunity to get a laugh. His left eye is ½ blue and catches the light differently, and somehow with that - he always looks like he’s up to something. He is notorious for sneaking up behind horses and pulling their blankets, throwing jolly balls into paddocks for a horse that seems board, tipping over wheelbarrows, stealing shovels and apple pickers, and our favorite – he loves to whack other horses with sticks and jolly balls. I know it all sounds naughty, but our herd tolerates him quite well and seems to enjoy the shenanigans.

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  This past Spring the big decision was made for our oldest to use him as her 4H project and show him at our County Fair. Now, our daughter is quite the ham herself so she and Moonpie hit it off!


   With as goofy as he is she learned quickly that he appreciates a quiet rider but definitely needed pushed and encouraged with being more “whoa than go.”  While Moonpie still has much room for improvement and is continuing his training to fill those empty spots in his tool belt, we could not have been more satisfied with how his 8-day-long fair with his 11-year kiddo went!  


  He tackled western pleasure, showmanship, English, reining (yes, reining!), trail, and his absolute new favorite – Dressage (both English & Western). It’s only natural that he’d love an empty dressage arena all to him self since he is a lover of the spotlight and was able to show off his beautiful Caspian style gates.

   All in all, Moonpie becoming so marvelous has been due to an incredible team or ‘horsey loving’ folks that have so generously given their time and knowledge to help him become what we like to call, ‘an outstanding citizen’.  Helping a horse become what they should and can be can take help, and it’s okay to ask.


  A patient farrier, friends with handy horse riding kids to help build a foundation, a true horse trainer for ground work, knowledgeable horseman donating their time to teach a young 4H’er how to use a round pen properly, an encouraging 4H club who’s families accept a green horse and treated them the same as seasoned show veteran.


  We have been blessed in so many ways with this little Caspian we call Marvelous Moonpie. If you even have the chance to own one of these special horses – do not pass that chance by! They truly are special in your pocket, pony sized, beautiful moving horses. Our family is thankful for the opportunity to be able to educate others on this terrific and versatile breed.

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Thank you Kendra Rogerson and the whole Rogerson family for sharing Moonpie with us!

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